for the troubled mom

Anyone who wants to live all out for Christ is in for a lot of trouble; there’s no getting around it.  2 Timothy 3: 12 The Message

Some days my theme song is My Life Be Like, especially the words “it’s times like these that make me say, Lord if you see me please come my way.”   I scream to heaven for help. Then try to wait patiently for an answer.

I was recently reminded of the scripture in 2 Timothy 3:12.  Sadly, I’ve always thought about this scripture in the context of some great spiritual battle or journey.  You know, all the hard stuff like dealing with sin in my heart, serving and/or leading in the church, and leading others to Christ.  Paul, the writer of this scripture, had endured all kinds tribulations and he writes to give young Timothy wisdom for his journey in Christ.

As I heard this verse read in church this weekend, a light went off in my head.  This verse is for me.  Not just the me who wants to participate in church programming.  Not just the me who seeks to serve others in the community.  Not just the me who is still working on that “thing” that still needs to be resolved in God’s grace.  This was written for the me who is seeking to raise children for Christ’s kingdom.  Parenting is hard stuff. Paul’s writing could very well apply to my journey in training and disciplining my children.

It starts first thing in the morning.  Somebody doesn’t want to get dressed.  Or, somebody gets up late. Towels are not returned to their proper places. Somebody forgets to brush their teeth.   Breakfast is late.  Assignments are misplaced.  Somebody misses the bus.  Somebody is grumpy.  Nobody is listening.  Grace can be hard to find.

Reflect with me on the verse again.

Anyone who wants to live all out for Christ is in for a lot of trouble; there’s no getting around it.  2 Timothy 3: 12 The Message

Then there are the “big” problems.  Academic success. Peer pressure. Learning challenges.  Attitudes.  Responsibility.  Focus. Character development.  Spiritual growth.  The issues are limitless.  They are ever present.  They are far reaching.  Wisdom often eludes us.  We find ourselves with our arms stretched to heaven begging for a solution in dire need of mercy.

Before we talk about our hope — because there is hope — we must talk about a very real problem.  The problem is that Christian parenting has some negatives.  Our belief in Christ comes with the knowledge of the enemy.  This enemy doesn’t want us to have families that are walking in the light of Christ’s love.  This enemy doesn’t want us to live out our Faith.  This enemy wants to destroy our homes, and all the beauty that can be found in living for Christ.  This means trouble.  This means that days will not be easy.  It means that if parenting is hard, Christian parenting will have an extra portion of struggles.

There is hope.

The hope is found in our Parenting Manual.  Not too far away from the verse that announces our doom, is a verse that points to our solution — “Through the Word we are put together and shaped up for the tasks God has for us.”  2 Timothy 3:16-17 The Message.

Dear friend, it sounds so cliche and trite to say that all we need is found in the Bible.  It sounds like I am discounting how difficult your days are.  I know the Bible doesn’t speak on what exactly to do with the child who talks back or doesn’t do their chores or looses everything or can’t concentrate.  I know that you may have read your Bible and the answers aren’t coming easily.  I am aware that sometimes your mind is so filled with worries and concerns that you can barely even concentrate enough to decided if you understand what you read.  I am with you.

Yet, I am here to encourage you.  I am here to gently nudge you to keep at it.  Take out your Word, open it up, and read.  You will find words that will comfort your soul.  You will find that you are not alone, and that God is with you.  You will find words to train you, and give you direction.  Most importantly, you will find hope.  When you find these things, you can then give them to your precious children.

Our hearts desire is to be like Christ, spreading His love in our homes.  Not easy.  Only doable in His grace and power.  We must get powered-up in the Word.  As you read the Word, pray it into your life.  Ask God to do what His Word says He will do.  Today, I am praying that the Word will shape me, prepare me, and give me wisdom for my parenting tasks for the day.  I know that is a prayer that God will answer.

In faith, you can pray that prayer, too.

Be Encouraged,


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